nFuse’s eIFU platform automation

The approach

We have multiple clients in the health sector. Our member nFuse helps some of those clients with eIFU (electronic Instructions For Use) platforms, and recently they updated the platform to better handle one of our clients’ setup.

Previous situation

In the old generation, our customer’s platform delivered product information to customers using a JSON format. This approach involved generating a flat file on the server side.

However, this method had its drawbacks:

    • Costly Deployments: Deployments were resource-intensive and expensive due to the large volume of data being processed.Slow

    • Performance: Visitors experienced sluggish performance when accessing product information, likely because of the substantial data load.

New generation of the platform

The new generation of the customer’s platform takes a different approach:

  • Client-Server API Driven: Instead of serving a static flat file, the platform now employs a client-server API-driven architecture.


    • Efficiency: By using APIs, the platform can deliver specific data on demand, reducing unnecessary data transfer.

    • Scalability: The API-driven approach allows for better scalability, accommodating growing user bases without compromising performance.

    • Real-Time Updates: Product information can be updated in real time, ensuring visitors receive the latest details.

    • Reduced Deployment Complexity: Deployments are streamlined, as only relevant data is transmitted to clients.

In summary, the transition to a client-server API-driven platform aims to enhance performance, reduce costs, and provide a more responsive experience for visitors.

The customer’s new pipeline-driven approach is a game-changer. By dynamically creating customized AWS infrastructure for each individual customer, they’re achieving remarkable flexibility and efficiency. Let’s break it down:

  1. Pipeline-Driven Approach:

    • Instead of manual, one-size-fits-all setups, the platform now employs a pipeline-driven process.

    • This approach streamlines the creation of AWS infrastructure by automating steps, reducing human error, and ensuring consistency.

  2. Custom Infrastructure for Each Customer:

    • Our customer recognizes that every one of their customers has unique requirements.

    • With the new approach, they can tailor AWS resources specifically to each customer’s needs.

    • Whether it’s compute instances, storage, databases, or networking, they can spin up the right components effortlessly.

  3. Benefits:

    • Scalability: As our customer onboards new customers, the pipeline dynamically provisions resources, ensuring scalability without manual intervention.

    • Cost Optimization: No more over-provisioning. Each customer gets precisely what they need, optimizing costs.

    • Speed: Rapid deployment means customers can start using their infrastructure sooner.

    • Consistency: Standardized setups lead to fewer surprises and easier maintenance.

AWS reference architecture by nFuse, detailing the setup


The performance on the platform has significantly increased, thanks to the API driven approach. The customer looks forward to working with us again in the future!


nFuse is a Scale member and is part of our AWS DevOps Competency. They handle managed services, hosting services and DevSecOps. nFuse stands for continuous evolvement and completely and proactively unburdening customers in the daily management and hosting of all their IT applications.

Get in touch with us to get your project started!